Adventure Travel
Diving and Snorkelling

Get immersed and discover a new world. See first-hand the nature living under the waters of Argentina’s seas, lakes, and lagoons.
Las Grutas
Río Negro

Las Grutas is one of the best places in Argentina for diving because its waters are warm and crystal-clear. And there’s more! There, you’ll find South America’s largest underwater park, with artificial reefs formed from sunken fishing boats.
If you have experience, you can get inside their structures and tour them. If you are a beginner, go for an underwater baptism near the coast. In this spectacular scenery, you will be able to see sea urchins, octopuses, crabs, starfishes, and if you are lucky, dolphins, tunny-fishes, and sea lions.
Find more information about when to go and how to get there on this link: Las Grutas. This destination is a must!
Puerto Madryn

Puerto Madryn is the National Capital of Diving. The crystal-clear waters of Nuevo Golfo are ideal for your underwater baptism if it is your first time, and for longer and more demanding excursions if you are an experienced diver –you can also enjoy an adapted diving experience!
It has more than 10 places to dive. One of them is Punta Cuevas, a rocky formation with sandbars that attract fishes, crabs, anemones, starfishes, and sea urchins. Another experience you’ll never forget about is snorkelling with sea lions, very friendly and playful animals you will enjoy underwater.
Important: To have a safe experience, hire authorised diving providers.
Find more information on when to go and how to get there on these links: Puerto Madryn and the Madryn tourism website. A must-visit destination!
Beagle Channel
Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur

Dive in the waters of the Beagle Channel and discover a subantarctic world with giant algae forests full of colourful inhabitants: starfishes, jellyfishes, sea urchins, and spider crabs coexisting with the remains of old shipwrecks. Despite the low temperatures, you can enjoy this experience on the coast of Ushuaia all year round, even in winter.
If this is your first time practising this activity, there are providers offering underwater baptisms. If you already have experience, there are longer activities in the area of the Bridges Islands and Los Pájaros Island.
Find more information about when to go and how to get there on these links: Beagle Channel and the tourism website of the End of the World.
Authorized providers and more info on diving in Tierra del Fuego
Lakes of Andean Patagonia

Due to its transparent waters, one of the best places in the province of Neuquén to dive is the submerged forest of Lake Traful in the town of Villa Traful. At a depth of 30 meters, recreate a fantasy landscape as you swim among gigantic, almost intact trees. Due to the average temperature of the water and the complexity of the descent, you need to do a course beforehand.
Other options are the Moquehue and Aluminé lakes (in the towns of Moquehue and Villa Pehuenia respectively) where you can do baptism diving and guided excursions (in both cases the depth does not exceed 8 meters). Also around the Villa Pehuenia peninsula there are bays and islands where you will be surprised how volcanic and glacial processes formed the underwater relief. Lake Epulafquen, with its dwarf forest that is less than a meter high, is another great destination for this activity.
Other destinations to practise Diving and Snorkelling:
Chubut, Corrientes, Neuquén, Río Negro
- Iberá Wetlands (Corrientes)
- Lakes of Andean Patagonia (Río Negro)
- In Chubut: Puerto Pirámides (Valdés Peninsula), Camarones (Patagonia Austral Coastal Marine Interjurisdictional Park), and the coasts of Rada Tilly (Comodoro Rivadavia)